So, only Wednesday I had the pleasure of tagging along on my son's kindergarten classes field trip. We went to Bear Creek Nature Center here in Colorado. It was a really hot day and I got sunburned on the back of my legs. Anyways, the kids had a blast and my gift for the teacher for Teacher Appreciation next week is coming early. We are flying out to Hawaii on Saturday for a week with Fred on his last TDY there. I know... poor us. I am so excited to go and catch up with some old friends who are stationed there at Hickam AFB on Oahu.
The inspiration for my bouquet of kids came from Renée Caffee, a demo in Virginia. I don't have her blog address, but if someone out there has it, I would be happy to link it to her. My son's teacher is so sweet, I think she will love it!
Have a great day!